Industrial degreaser SUPER CLEAN UP

Idustrial degreaser SUPER CLEAN UP, chemical for cleaning industrial degreaser, cleaning agent for remove industrial oil stains with best quality made in Korea

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Idustrial degreaser SUPER CLEAN UP
Industrial degreaser Super Clean Up

Size : 18.75 Lit

Application : To remove industrial oil stains

Industrial degreaser Super Clean Up

Feature :

Environmentally friendly. 
Heavy duty industrial cleaner 
Powerful permeability which effectively removes tough grease build up
No remaining residue after use

Method of Use :

- Dilute Super Clean UP with water at 1:4~1:10 
- Spray the diluted agent directly onto the area to be cleaned 
- Scrub the area with a scrubbing scourer or brush. 
- Rinse off with clean water 

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